Greenville, SC

Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
Organ Crawl
Saturday, June 5, 2021 9:00am
First Baptist Church

The chapter convenes at 9:00am for a close up look at the IV/87 Casavant Frères Ltd. (Opus 3583, 1984) (spec) at First Baptist Church, Greenville. Please park close to the main entrance off of Cleveland Street and enter through the three sets of glass double doors.

Following time at First Baptist, the group will travel a short distance to Westminster Presbyterian Church. The second half will convene at 10:30am to examine the III/35 Holtkamp (Opus 1764, 1962) (spec). Please enter through the door by the bell tower under the overhang then proceed up the stairs to the choir loft.

First Baptist Church
847 Cleveland Street
Greenville, SC 29601
Westminster Presbyterian Church
2310 Augusta Street
Greenville, SC 29605